
(本篇使用openvswitch 2.7.2,由於ovs改版迅速,網路上許多資源的解釋跟現在已經有些變化了)

Oepnvswitch分為UserSpace跟Kernel Space部分




其中定義了struct ofconn跟 ofconn_run這個function

ofconn_run會call handle_openflow這個function

static void
ofconn_run(struct ofconn *ofconn,
           void (*handle_openflow)(struct ofconn *,
                                   const struct ofpbuf *ofp_msg))
    struct connmgr *mgr = ofconn->connmgr;
    size_t i;

    for (i = 0; i < N_SCHEDULERS; i++) {
        struct ovs_list txq;

        pinsched_run(ofconn->schedulers[i], &txq);
        do_send_packet_ins(ofconn, &txq);


    /* Limit the number of iterations to avoid starving other tasks. */
    for (i = 0; i < 50 && ofconn_may_recv(ofconn); i++) {
        struct ofpbuf *of_msg = rconn_recv(ofconn->rconn);
        if (!of_msg) {

        if (mgr->fail_open) {

        handle_openflow(ofconn, of_msg);

    if (time_msec() >= ofconn->next_op_report) {

    if (!rconn_is_alive(ofconn->rconn)) {
    } else if (!rconn_is_connected(ofconn->rconn)) {

handle_openflow()會再call handle_openflow__()

handle_openflow__會判斷openflow packet的type


static void
handle_openflow(struct ofconn *ofconn, const struct ofpbuf *ofp_msg)
    enum ofperr error = handle_openflow__(ofconn, ofp_msg);

    if (error) {
        ofconn_send_error(ofconn, ofp_msg->data, error);
static enum ofperr
handle_openflow__(struct ofconn *ofconn, const struct ofpbuf *msg)
    const struct ofp_header *oh = msg->data;
    enum ofptype type;
    enum ofperr error;

    error = ofptype_decode(&type, oh);
    if (error) {
        return error;
    if (oh->version >= OFP13_VERSION && ofpmsg_is_stat_request(oh)
        && ofpmp_more(oh)) {
        /* We have no buffer implementation for multipart requests.
         * Report overflow for requests which consists of multiple
         * messages. */

    switch (type) {
        /* OpenFlow requests. */

        return handle_flow_mod(ofconn, oh);


這裡只針對flowmod,所以會call handle_flow_mod()


static enum ofperr
handle_flow_mod(struct ofconn *ofconn, const struct ofp_header *oh)
    struct ofproto *ofproto = ofconn_get_ofproto(ofconn);
    struct ofputil_flow_mod fm;
    uint64_t ofpacts_stub[1024 / 8];
    struct ofpbuf ofpacts;
    enum ofperr error;

    error = reject_slave_controller(ofconn);
    if (error) {
        return error;

    ofpbuf_use_stub(&ofpacts, ofpacts_stub, sizeof ofpacts_stub);
    error = ofputil_decode_flow_mod(&fm, oh, ofconn_get_protocol(ofconn),
                                    &ofproto->vl_mff_map, &ofpacts,
    if (!error) {
        struct openflow_mod_requester req = { ofconn, oh };
        error = handle_flow_mod__(ofproto, &fm, &req);

    return error;



/* Converts an OFPT_FLOW_MOD or NXT_FLOW_MOD message 'oh' into an abstract
 * flow_mod in 'fm'.  Returns 0 if successful, otherwise an OpenFlow error
 * code.
 * Uses 'ofpacts' to store the abstract OFPACT_* version of 'oh''s actions.
 * The caller must initialize 'ofpacts' and retains ownership of it.
 * 'fm->ofpacts' will point into the 'ofpacts' buffer.
 * Does not validate the flow_mod actions.  The caller should do that, with
 * ofpacts_check(). */
enum ofperr
ofputil_decode_flow_mod(struct ofputil_flow_mod *fm,
                        const struct ofp_header *oh,
                        enum ofputil_protocol protocol,
                        const struct tun_table *tun_table,
                        const struct vl_mff_map *vl_mff_map,
                        struct ofpbuf *ofpacts,
                        ofp_port_t max_port, uint8_t max_table)
    ovs_be16 raw_flags;
    enum ofperr error;
    struct ofpbuf b = ofpbuf_const_initializer(oh, ntohs(oh->length));
    enum ofpraw raw = ofpraw_pull_assert(&b);
    if (raw == OFPRAW_OFPT11_FLOW_MOD) {     //openflow 1.1以上適用
        /* Standard OpenFlow 1.1+ flow_mod. */
        const struct ofp11_flow_mod *ofm;

        ofm = ofpbuf_pull(&b, sizeof *ofm);
        error = ofputil_pull_ofp11_match(&b, tun_table, vl_mff_map, &fm->match,
        if (error) {
            return error;

        /* Translate the message. */
        fm->priority = ntohs(ofm->priority);
        if (ofm->command == OFPFC_ADD
            || (oh->version == OFP11_VERSION
                && (ofm->command == OFPFC_MODIFY ||
                    ofm->command == OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT)
                && ofm->cookie_mask == htonll(0))) {
            /* In OpenFlow 1.1 only, a "modify" or "modify-strict" that does
             * not match on the cookie is treated as an "add" if there is no
             * match. */
            fm->cookie = htonll(0);
            fm->cookie_mask = htonll(0);
            fm->new_cookie = ofm->cookie;
        } else {
            fm->cookie = ofm->cookie;
            fm->cookie_mask = ofm->cookie_mask;
            fm->new_cookie = OVS_BE64_MAX;
        fm->modify_cookie = false;
        fm->command = ofm->command;

        /* Get table ID.
         * OF1.1 entirely forbids table_id == OFPTT_ALL.
         * OF1.2+ allows table_id == OFPTT_ALL only for deletes. */
        fm->table_id = ofm->table_id;
        if (fm->table_id == OFPTT_ALL
            && (oh->version == OFP11_VERSION
                || (ofm->command != OFPFC_DELETE &&
                    ofm->command != OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT))) {
            return OFPERR_OFPFMFC_BAD_TABLE_ID;

        fm->idle_timeout = ntohs(ofm->idle_timeout);
        fm->hard_timeout = ntohs(ofm->hard_timeout);
        if (oh->version >= OFP14_VERSION && ofm->command == OFPFC_ADD) {
            fm->importance = ntohs(ofm->importance);
        } else {
            fm->importance = 0;
        fm->buffer_id = ntohl(ofm->buffer_id);
        error = ofputil_port_from_ofp11(ofm->out_port, &fm->out_port);
        if (error) {
            return error;

        fm->out_group = (ofm->command == OFPFC_DELETE ||
                         ofm->command == OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT
                         ? ntohl(ofm->out_group)
                         : OFPG_ANY);
        raw_flags = ofm->flags;
    } else {    //此else之中全部屬於openflow 1.0
        uint16_t command;

        if (raw == OFPRAW_OFPT10_FLOW_MOD) {
            /* Standard OpenFlow 1.0 flow_mod. */
            const struct ofp10_flow_mod *ofm;

            /* Get the ofp10_flow_mod. */
            ofm = ofpbuf_pull(&b, sizeof *ofm);

            /* Translate the rule. */
            ofputil_match_from_ofp10_match(&ofm->match, &fm->match);

            /* OpenFlow 1.0 says that exact-match rules have to have the
             * highest possible priority. */
            fm->priority = (ofm->match.wildcards & htonl(OFPFW10_ALL)
                            ? ntohs(ofm->priority)
                            : UINT16_MAX);

            /* Translate the message. */
            command = ntohs(ofm->command);
            fm->cookie = htonll(0);
            fm->cookie_mask = htonll(0);
            fm->new_cookie = ofm->cookie;
            fm->idle_timeout = ntohs(ofm->idle_timeout);
            fm->hard_timeout = ntohs(ofm->hard_timeout);
            fm->importance = 0;
            fm->buffer_id = ntohl(ofm->buffer_id);
            fm->out_port = u16_to_ofp(ntohs(ofm->out_port));
            fm->out_group = OFPG_ANY;
            raw_flags = ofm->flags;
        } else if (raw == OFPRAW_NXT_FLOW_MOD) {
            /* Nicira extended flow_mod. */
            const struct nx_flow_mod *nfm;

            /* Dissect the message. */
            nfm = ofpbuf_pull(&b, sizeof *nfm);
            error = nx_pull_match(&b, ntohs(nfm->match_len),
                                  &fm->match, &fm->cookie, &fm->cookie_mask,
                                  tun_table, vl_mff_map);
            if (error) {
                return error;

            /* Translate the message. */
            command = ntohs(nfm->command);
            if ((command & 0xff) == OFPFC_ADD && fm->cookie_mask) {
                /* Flow additions may only set a new cookie, not match an
                 * existing cookie. */
                return OFPERR_NXBRC_NXM_INVALID;
            fm->priority = ntohs(nfm->priority);
            fm->new_cookie = nfm->cookie;
            fm->idle_timeout = ntohs(nfm->idle_timeout);
            fm->hard_timeout = ntohs(nfm->hard_timeout);
            fm->importance = 0;
            fm->buffer_id = ntohl(nfm->buffer_id);
            fm->out_port = u16_to_ofp(ntohs(nfm->out_port));
            fm->out_group = OFPG_ANY;
            raw_flags = nfm->flags;
        } else {

        fm->modify_cookie = fm->new_cookie != OVS_BE64_MAX;
        if (protocol & OFPUTIL_P_TID) {
            fm->command = command & 0xff;
            fm->table_id = command >> 8;
        } else {
            if (command > 0xff) {
                VLOG_WARN_RL(&bad_ofmsg_rl, "flow_mod has explicit table_id "
                             "but flow_mod_table_id extension is not enabled");
            fm->command = command;
            fm->table_id = 0xff;

    if (fm->command > OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT) {

    fm->ofpacts_tlv_bitmap = 0;
    error = ofpacts_pull_openflow_instructions(&b, b.size, oh->version,
                                               ofpacts); //解析instruction
    if (error) {
        return error;
    fm->ofpacts = ofpacts->data; //解完的instruction放在這
    fm->ofpacts_len = ofpacts->size;

    error = ofputil_decode_flow_mod_flags(raw_flags, fm->command,
                                          oh->version, &fm->flags);
    if (error) {
        return error;

    if (fm->flags & OFPUTIL_FF_EMERG) {
        /* We do not support the OpenFlow 1.0 emergency flow cache, which
         * is not required in OpenFlow 1.0.1 and removed from OpenFlow 1.1.
         * OpenFlow 1.0 specifies the error code to use when idle_timeout
         * or hard_timeout is nonzero.  Otherwise, there is no good error
         * code, so just state that the flow table is full. */
        return (fm->hard_timeout || fm->idle_timeout
                : OFPERR_OFPFMFC_TABLE_FULL);
    return ofpacts_check_consistency(fm->ofpacts, fm->ofpacts_len,
                                     &fm->match.flow, max_port,
                                     fm->table_id, max_table, protocol);



/* Protocol-independent flow_mod.
 * The handling of cookies across multiple versions of OpenFlow is a bit
 * confusing.  See DESIGN for the details. */
struct ofputil_flow_mod {
    struct ovs_list list_node; /* For queuing flow_mods. */

    struct match match;
    int priority;

    /* Cookie matching.  The flow_mod affects only flows that have cookies that
     * bitwise match 'cookie' bits in positions where 'cookie_mask has 1-bits.
     * 'cookie_mask' should be zero for OFPFC_ADD flow_mods. */
    ovs_be64 cookie;         /* Cookie bits to match. */
    ovs_be64 cookie_mask;    /* 1-bit in each 'cookie' bit to match. */

    /* Cookie changes.
     * OFPFC_ADD uses 'new_cookie' as the new flow's cookie.  'new_cookie'
     * should not be UINT64_MAX.
     * OFPFC_MODIFY and OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT have two cases:
     *   - If one or more matching flows exist and 'modify_cookie' is true,
     *     then the flow_mod changes the existing flows' cookies to
     *     'new_cookie'.  'new_cookie' should not be UINT64_MAX.
     *   - If no matching flow exists, 'new_cookie' is not UINT64_MAX, and
     *     'cookie_mask' is 0, then the flow_mod adds a new flow with
     *     'new_cookie' as its cookie.
    ovs_be64 new_cookie;     /* New cookie to install or UINT64_MAX. */
    bool modify_cookie;      /* Set cookie of existing flow to 'new_cookie'? */

    uint8_t table_id;
    uint16_t command;
    uint16_t idle_timeout;
    uint16_t hard_timeout;
    uint32_t buffer_id;
    ofp_port_t out_port;
    uint32_t out_group;
    enum ofputil_flow_mod_flags flags;
    uint16_t importance;     /* Eviction precedence. */
    struct ofpact *ofpacts;  /* Series of "struct ofpact"s. */
    size_t ofpacts_len;      /* Length of ofpacts, in bytes. */

    /* Reason for delete; ignored for non-delete commands */
    enum ofp_flow_removed_reason delete_reason;


struct match {
    struct flow flow;
    struct flow_wildcards wc;
    struct tun_metadata_allocation tun_md;


struct flow {
    /* Metadata */
    struct flow_tnl tunnel;     /* Encapsulating tunnel parameters. */
    ovs_be64 metadata;          /* OpenFlow Metadata. */
    uint32_t regs[FLOW_N_REGS]; /* Registers. */
    uint32_t skb_priority;      /* Packet priority for QoS. */
    uint32_t pkt_mark;          /* Packet mark. */
    uint32_t dp_hash;           /* Datapath computed hash value. The exact
                                 * computation is opaque to the user space. */
    union flow_in_port in_port; /* Input port.*/
    uint32_t recirc_id;         /* Must be exact match. */
    uint16_t ct_state;          /* Connection tracking state. */
    uint16_t ct_zone;           /* Connection tracking zone. */
    uint32_t ct_mark;           /* Connection mark.*/
    uint8_t pad1[4];            /* Pad to 64 bits. */
    ovs_u128 ct_label;          /* Connection label. */
    uint32_t conj_id;           /* Conjunction ID. */
    ofp_port_t actset_output;   /* Output port in action set. */

    /* L2, Order the same as in the Ethernet header! (64-bit aligned) */
    struct eth_addr dl_dst;     /* Ethernet destination address. */
    struct eth_addr dl_src;     /* Ethernet source address. */
    ovs_be16 dl_type;           /* Ethernet frame type. */
    ovs_be16 vlan_tci;          /* If 802.1Q, TCI | VLAN_CFI; otherwise 0. */
    ovs_be32 mpls_lse[ROUND_UP(FLOW_MAX_MPLS_LABELS, 2)]; /* MPLS label stack
                                                             (with padding). */
    /* L3 (64-bit aligned) */
    ovs_be32 nw_src;            /* IPv4 source address. */
    ovs_be32 nw_dst;            /* IPv4 destination address. */
    struct in6_addr ipv6_src;   /* IPv6 source address. */
    struct in6_addr ipv6_dst;   /* IPv6 destination address. */
    ovs_be32 ipv6_label;        /* IPv6 flow label. */
    uint8_t nw_frag;            /* FLOW_FRAG_* flags. */
    uint8_t nw_tos;             /* IP ToS (including DSCP and ECN). */
    uint8_t nw_ttl;             /* IP TTL/Hop Limit. */
    uint8_t nw_proto;           /* IP protocol or low 8 bits of ARP opcode. */
    struct in6_addr nd_target;  /* IPv6 neighbor discovery (ND) target. */
    struct eth_addr arp_sha;    /* ARP/ND source hardware address. */
    struct eth_addr arp_tha;    /* ARP/ND target hardware address. */
    ovs_be16 tcp_flags;         /* TCP flags. With L3 to avoid matching L4. */
    ovs_be16 pad3;              /* Pad to 64 bits. */

    /* L4 (64-bit aligned) */
    ovs_be16 tp_src;            /* TCP/UDP/SCTP source port/ICMP type. */
    ovs_be16 tp_dst;            /* TCP/UDP/SCTP destination port/ICMP code. */
    ovs_be32 igmp_group_ip4;    /* IGMP group IPv4 address.
                                 * Keep last for BUILD_ASSERT_DECL below. */


struct ofpact {
    /* We want the space advantage of an 8-bit type here on every
     * implementation, without giving up the advantage of having a useful type
     * on implementations that support packed enums. */
    enum ofpact_type type;      /* OFPACT_*. */
    uint8_t type;               /* OFPACT_* */

    uint8_t raw;                /* Original type when added, if any. */
    uint16_t len;               /* Length of the action, in bytes, including
                                 * struct ofpact, excluding padding. */


struct ofp_action_header {

    /* The meaning of other values of 'type' generally depends on the OpenFlow

     * version (see enum ofp_raw_action_type).


     * Across all OpenFlow versions, OFPAT_VENDOR indicates that 'vendor'

     * designates an OpenFlow vendor ID and that the remainder of the action

     * structure has a vendor-defined meaning.


#define OFPAT_VENDOR 0xffff

    ovs_be16 type;


    /* Always a multiple of 8. */

    ovs_be16 len;


    /* For type == OFPAT_VENDOR only, this is a vendor ID, e.g. NX_VENDOR_ID or

     * ONF_VENDOR_ID.  Other 'type's use this space for some other purpose. */

    ovs_be32 vendor;



/* The ovs_be<N> types indicate that an object is in big-endian, not

 * native-endian, byte order.  They are otherwise equivalent to uint<N>_t. */

typedef uint16_t OVS_BITWISE ovs_be16;

typedef uint32_t OVS_BITWISE ovs_be32;

typedef uint64_t OVS_BITWISE ovs_be64;



就讀ofp_to_u16(ofpact_get_OUTPUT(fm->ofpacts)->port),為一unsign 16 bits int 


ref :

    openvswitch SDN Openflow

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